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Residential Service/ALU

Alternative living arrangements engage clients in a community where they are treasured, motivated to succeed, and encouraged to be independent.

The chance to live relatively independent lives in a structured environment is an ideal care arrangement for individuals with developmental disabilities. Residential services at MONARCH HEALTH SYSTEMS, Inc. are delivered in the form of alternative living units. ALUs are apartment-type living areas with 24-hour staff supervision and extensive support services.

Licensed under Maryland’s Office of Health Care Quality, our ALUs can accommodate clients with various developmental conditions.

Home Away from Home

Services provided in our ALUs are tailored to provide a familiar environment where residents can live in comfort. They are provided with basic necessities and assistance in health-related activities, recreation, running errands, and social activities.

Structured Living

Routines and expectations are essential components of the structured living environment at MONARCH HEALTH SYSTEMS, Inc. With the use of routines, we can encourage residents to follow a pattern of daily activities and learn to anticipate what is going to happen next. Moreover, when they develop expectations for themselves, they will be motivated to exert more effort to succeed in their goals.

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